Because, as, due to... (B2)

Expressing reason and cause (450)

Vyjádření důvodu a příčiny

Hlavní přehled

Vyjádření důvodu a příčiny – procvičování:

Na Landigo máme další podobnou lekci: Because of, due to... (B1)

Let's meet soon because we need to plan the Christmas party.

Let's meet because we need to plan it.
As the party is in two weeks, we need to plan it.
Pojďme se brzy sejít, protože musíme naplánovat vánoční večírek.
Let's meet soon because we need to plan the Christmas party.

Slovíčka, která vyjadřují příčinu a důvod (= proč se něco děje):

because (cause, cos), as, since, for, in that, inasmuch as
because of, due to, thanks to, owing to, for, with
Nebudu pít, protože mi to nechutná.
I won't drink because I don't like it.
Protože jsem vegan, nebudu to jíst.
Since I'm vegan, I won't eat it.
Vyhráli jsem díky Alice.
We won thanks to Alice.
Prohráli jsme kvůli Frankovi.
We lost due to Frank.

Jako spojku nejčastěji použijeme BECAUSE nebo formálnější AS a SINCE:

Let's meet because we need to plan the party.
As/Since the party is in two weeks, we need to plan it.

AS/SINCE použijeme běžně, pokud je důvod známý a zaměřujeme se tedy více na výsledek:

As we are all here, we can plan it.
Protože (= Vzhledem k tomu, že) jsme všichni tady, můžeme to naplánovat.
I will order a pizza, since there is nothing in the fridge.
Objednám pizzu, protože (jak víš) v lednici nic nemáme.

BECAUSE použijeme běžně, pokud se zaměřujeme více na důvod:

We should meet because we need to plan it.
Měli bychom se sejít, protože (= důvod k tomu je takový, že) to potřebujeme naplánovat.
I will order a pizza because there is nothing in the fridge.
Objednám pizzu, protože (= důvod k tomu je takový, že) v lednici nic nemáme.

Robert couldn't send you the email because he didn't have an internet connection.

Důraz na důvod:
He couldn't send it because he didn't have internet.
Robert ti nemohl poslat e-mail, protože neměl připojení k internetu.
Robert couldn't send you the email because he didn't have an internet connection.

As we have a great new teacher, more and more children are starting to learn Italian.

Důraz na výsledek:
As we have this teacher, they want to learn Italian.
Since we have this teacher, they want to learn Italian.
Protože máme skvělou novou učitelku, začíná se italsky učit stále více dětí.
As we have a great new teacher, more and more children are starting to learn Italian.

The Titanic sank because it hit an iceberg.

Důraz na důvod:
It sank because it hit an iceberg.
Titanic se potopil, protože narazil do ledovce.
The Titanic sank because it hit an iceberg.

BECAUSE, nikoliv AS/SINCE, použijeme v jednoduchých větách a otázkách:

Why are we meeting tomorrow? – Because we need to plan the party.
Are you ordering a pizza because there's nothing in the fridge?

Why do you want to see dolphins? – Because they are quite fascinating.

Jednoduchá věta:
Because they are fascinating.
As they are...
Since they are...
Proč chceš vidět delfíny? – Protože jsou velmi fascinující.
Why do you want to see dolphins? – Because they are quite fascinating.

Are you laughing because I have chocolate on my shirt?

Otázka: Are you laughing because...?
Are you laughing as...?
Are you laughing, since...?
Směješ se, protože mám na košili čokoládu?
Are you laughing because I have chocolate on my shirt?

Porovnejte použití čárky:

I can't come because I'm busy.
Because I'm busy, I can't come.
I can't come as I'm busy.
As I'm busy, I can't come.
I can't come, since I'm busy.
Since I'm busy, I can't come.

There is no reason to take a taxi, since the bus station is just around the corner.

There is no reason, since...
There is no reason because...
There is no reason as...
Není důvod si brát taxi, protože autobusové nádraží je hned za rohem.
There is no reason to take a taxi, since the bus station is just around the corner.

Místo BECAUSE můžeme použít velmi hovorové CAUSE/COS:

I can't come cause I'm busy.
Take an umbrella cos it's raining.

Don't go to that beach cause it's too crowded now.

Velmi hovorové: Don't go there cause/cos...
Běžná angličtina: Don't go there because...
Nechoď na tu pláž, protože je teď příliš přeplněná.
Don't go to that beach cause it's too crowded now.

Ve formální angličtině vyjadřujeme důvod pomocí spojek FOR, IN THAT a INASMUCH AS:

Do not worry, for I will arrange everything.
Nebojte se, neboť vše zařídím.
You have an easy life, in that you are wealthy.
Máte snadný život, protože jste bohatí.
Inasmuch as the flight is delayed, we will probably miss the train.
Jelikož je let zpožděn, pravděpodobně zmeškáme vlak.

We decided to stop for a while, for everybody was utterly exhausted.

Velmi formální:
We stopped, for we were exhausted.
Běžná angličtina:
We stopped because we were exhausted.
Rozhodli jsme se na chvíli zastavit, protože všichni byli zcela vyčerpaní.
We decided to stop for a while, for everybody was utterly exhausted.

BECAUSE OF, DUE TO a THANKS TO jsou nejběžnější předložky pro vyjádření důvodu. Jejich použití závisí především na kontextu:

because of → jakýkoliv kontext
due to → neutrální/negativní kontext
thanks to → pozitivní kontext

Podobný význam jako DUE TO má také formální OWING TO.


The trip was cancelled because of/due to/owing to bad weather. Výlet byl zrušen kvůli špatnému počasí.
We managed to book the trip on time because of/thanks to you. Výlet se nám podařilo rezervovat včas díky tobě.

Brian played absolutely incredibly! Thanks to him, they became champions.

Pozitivní: Thanks to him...
Because of him...
Due to him...
Brian hrál naprosto neuvěřitelně! Díky němu se stali šampiony.
Brian played absolutely incredibly! Thanks to him, they became champions.

Due to my injury I was unable to finish the race.

Negativní: Due to my injury...
Because of my injury...
Thanks to my injury...
Kvůli zranění jsem závod nemohl dokončit.
Due to my injury I was unable to finish the race.

Po předložkách BECAUSE OF, DUE TO a THANKS TO lze použít:

Did you avoid the traffic jam thanks to leaving early?

Did you avoid it thanks to leaving early?
Did you avoid it thanks to an early departure?
Vyhnuli jste se dopravní zácpě díky tomu, že jste vyrazili brzy?
Did you avoid the traffic jam thanks to leaving early?

People from certain parts of Scotland can be very difficult to understand because of their strong accent.

I can't understand them because of their strong accent.
I can't understand them because they have strong accent.
Lidem z určitých částí Skotska může být velmi obtížné porozumět kvůli jejich silnému přízvuku.
People from certain parts of Scotland can be very difficult to understand because of their strong accent.

Důvod lze také někdy vyjádřit pomocí předložek FOR a WITH:

With all these excellent photos, you could organise an exhibition.
Protože máš všechny tyto skvělé fotky, mohl bys uspořádat výstavu.
You could organise an exhibition for so many excellent photos.
Mohl bys uspořádat výstavu díky tolika skvělým fotkám.

FOR používáme pouze uprostřed věty, WITH na začátku nebo uprostřed.

Jacob is feeling much better for the surgery.

He is feeling better for the surgery.
For the surgery, he is...
Jacob se díky operaci cítí mnohem lépe.
Jacob is feeling much better for the surgery.

With three brothers, I'm never bored.

With three brothers, I'm never bored.
Thanks to three brothers, I'm never bored.
Because I have three brothers, I'm never bored.
Se třemi bratry se nikdy nenudím.
With three brothers, I'm never bored.

Doporučujeme si procvičit vyjádření důvodu a příčiny (expressing reason and cause) v našich cvičeních.