Unless or if not? (B1)

Conjunctions (347)


Hlavní přehled

Na Landigo se dnes podíváme na spojky UNLESS a IF NOT. Často jsou zaměnitelné, existují ale případy, kdy používáme pouze jednu z dvojice.

Unless, if not – procvičování:

Další související lekce:

Unless I call you, you can assume my train is on time.

Unless I call you...
If I don't call you...
Pokud ti nezavolám, můžeš předpokládat, že můj vlak jede na čas.
Unless I call you, you can assume my train is on time.

Spojky (conjunctions) UNLESS a IF NOT jsou často zaměnitelné:

Unless we leave now, we'll be late.
Pokud neodejdeme hned, dorazíme pozdě.
If we don't leave now, we'll be late.

IF NOT (obvykle ne UNLESS) použijeme v těchto případech:

UNLESS (obvykle ne IF NOT) použijeme s dodatečnou informací v samostatné větě:

We'll be late. Unless we run.
Přijdeme pozdě. Ledaže bychom utíkali.

Let's keep going if you aren't tired already.

...if you aren't tired.
...unless you are tired.
Pokračujme, tedy pokud ještě nejsi unavená.
Let's keep going if you aren't tired already.

U kondicionálů můžeme často použít UNLESS, IF NOT a také EXCEPT IF (= kromě toho, že; s výjimkou) s velmi podobným významem:

If it doesn't rain, we'll go out.
Pokud nebude pršet, půjdeme ven.
Unless it rains, we'll go out.
Except if it rains, we'll go out.

If you don't wear an action hero costume, they won't let you into the party.

If you don't wear it...
Unless you wear it...
Except if you wear it...
Pokud nebudete mít kostým akčního hrdiny, nepustí vás na oslavu.
If you don't wear an action hero costume, they won't let you into the party.

Except if you remove something, you won't be able to close the luggage.

Except if you remove...
Unless you remove...
If you don't remove...
Jestliže něco nevyndáš, nebudeš moci kufr zavřít.
Except if you remove something, you won't be able to close the luggage.
Nereálná situace = IF NOT

Pokud mluvíme o něčem nereálném použijeme IF NOT:

If you weren't afraid of water, we would go to an aquapark. (reality = you are afraid)
Kdyby ses nebál vody, jeli bychom do aquaparku.
If I hadn't loved her, I wouldn't have married her. (reality = I loved her)
Kdybych ji nemiloval, byl bych si ji nevzal.

Nikoliv: Unless you were afraid...; Unless I had loved...

Lucy would be a lot more attractive if she didn't wear so much make up.

...if she didn't wear it.
...unless she wore it.
Lucka by byla o mnoho atraktivnější, kdyby se tolik nemalovala.
Lucy would be a lot more attractive if she didn't wear so much make up.

You would have slept better if you hadn't eaten pizza before going to bed.

...if you didn't eat it.
...unless you ate it.
Spalo by se ti lépe, kdybys před spaním nejedl pizzu.
You would have slept better if you hadn't eaten pizza before going to bed.
Otázka = IF NOT
Will we go to the beach if it isn't sunny?
Půjdeme na pláž, když nebude slunečno?
If I don't buy a bike, will you lend me yours?
Když si nekoupím kolo, půjčíš mi své?

Nikoliv: ...unless it's sunny?; Unless I buy...?

If you don't get the visa, what will you do?

If you don't get it, what will you do?
Unless you get it...?
Jestli nedostaneš vízum, co budeš dělat?
If you don't get the visa, what will you do?

Will we have to drive if there aren't seats available on the plane?

...if there aren't seats?
...unless there are seats?
Budeme muset jet autem, pokud v letadle nebudou volná místa?
Will we have to drive if there aren't seats available on the plane?
Pocity = IF NOT

Pokud mluvíme o emocích a pocitech (surprise, excitement, amazement...), používáme obvykle IF NOT:

I'll be surprised if you don't finish first.
Budu překvapený, pokud neskončíte první.
She'll be excited if I don't postpone the holiday.
Bude nadšená, když dovolenou neodložím.
They'll be amazed if he doesn't win the match.
Budou se divit, pokud zápas nevyhraje.

Nikoliv: ...unless you finish first.; ...unless I postpone it.

Children will be quite upset if you don't go camping with them.

They'll be upset if you don't go.
They'll be sad if you don't take them out.
They'll be happy if you don't have to work.
Děti budou dost naštvané, když s nimi nepojedeš kempovat.
Children will be quite upset if you don't go camping with them.

I'd be surprised if Annie didn't have a boyfriend. She's such a stunning girl.

I'd be surprised if she didn't have...
Byl bych překvapený, kdyby Annie neměla přítele. Je to nádherná holka.
I'd be surprised if Annie didn't have a boyfriend. She's such a stunning girl.
Předmětná věta = IF NOT
We don't know if she won't be hungry.
Nevíme, zda nebude mít hlad.
They're not sure if he won't complain.
Nejsou si jistí, zda si nebude stěžovat.

Nikoliv: We don't know UNLESS...; They're not sure UNLESS...

I'm wondering if this movie will be good or not.

I'm wondering unless if...
Zajímalo by mě, jestli ten film bude dobrý nebo ne.
I'm wondering if this movie will be good or not.

Johnny doesn't know yet if he'll fly to Melbourne with us or not.

He doesn't know unless if...
Johnny ještě neví, jestli s námi poletí do Melbourne, nebo ne.
Johnny doesn't know yet if he'll fly to Melbourne with us or not.
Důsledek = IF NOT
Ben doesn't eat meat. If (= Since) he won't eat beef, we should cook something vegetarian for him.
Ben nejí maso. Vzhledem k tomu, že nebude jíst hovězí, měli bychom mu uvařit něco vegetariánského.
If (= Since) she doesn't have a jacket, I'll give her mine.
Jestli (= Protože) nemá bundu, dám jí svou.

Nikoliv: UNLESS he will eat...; UNLESS she has...

If you don't have a yellow dress, I'll lend you mine.

If you don't have...
Since you don't have...
Jestliže nemáš žluté šaty, půjčím ti svoje.
If you don't have a yellow dress, I'll lend you mine.
Další informace = UNLESS

Pokud chceme přidat další informaci, použijeme v mluvené angličtině dodatek s UNLESS:

I'll order Chinese. Unless you prefer something else.
Objednám čínu. Ledaže bys raději něco jiného.
It looks like Adam has a new car. Unless he has just borrowed it.
Vypadá to, že má Adam nové auto. Také je ale možné, že je (= Pokud není) jen vypůjčené.

Nikoliv: If you don't prefer...; If he hasn't...

Dodatek použijeme v samostatné větě nebo ho oddělujeme od hlavní věty pomlčkou:

He has a new car – unless he has borrowed it.
He has a new car. Unless he has borrowed it.

Let's go to this new café – unless you have other plans, of course.

Let's go there – unless you have...
Let's go there. Unless you have...
Pojďme do této nové kavárny, pokud tedy nemáš jiné plány.
Let's go to this new café – unless you have other plans, of course.

David won't stay in New York. Unless I stay there too.

Unless I stay.
If I don't stay.
David v New Yorku nezůstane. Ledaže bych tam zůstala i já.
David won't stay in New York. Unless I stay there too.

Unless, if not – nejdůležitější body a tip na závěr: