Although, in spite of, despite... (B2)

Concessive clauses (446)

Přípustkové věty

Hlavní přehled

Na Landigo se dnes zaměříme na výrazy, které používáme v přípustkových větách. Do češtiny je často překládáme jako – přestože; ačkoliv; i když; navzdory apod.

Přípustkové věty – procvičování:

Although it was raining, we went for a walk.

Although it was raining, we went for a walk.
Despite the rain, we went for a walk.
I když pršelo, šli jsme na procházku.
Although it was raining, we went for a walk.

Přípustkové věty (concessive clauses) vyjadřují nějaký rozpor nebo kontrast, např. mezi tím, co se očekává a co se skutečně stane:

Although it was raining, we went for a walk. (= It was expected that we wouldn't go out.)
Although he didn't study, he passed the exam. (= It was expected that he wouldn't pass it.)

V přípustkových větách používáme následující výrazy:

Although it was, though it was...

ALTHOUGH používáme před podmětem a slovesem:

Although I find Nicole very attractive, I'd never ask her out.
I když si myslím, že je Nicole velmi atraktivní, nikdy bych ji na rande nepozval.
I wouldn't want to live with Caleb, although he's a good friend of mine.
Nechtěl bych bydlet s Calebem, i když je to můj dobrý kamarád.

Nikoliv: Although finding...

Although Auntie followed the washing instructions, her designer sweater shrank.

Although following she followed the instructions...
Přestože se tetička řídila pokyny k praní, její značkový svetr se srazil.
Although Auntie followed the washing instructions, her designer sweater shrank.

V hovorovější angličtině se místo ALTHOUGH často používá THOUGH:

Although I find her attractive, I'd never ask her out.
I wouldn't want to live with him, though he's my friend.

THOUGH může být i na konci věty:

I find her attractive, I'd never ask her out, though.
He's my friend, I wouldn't want to live with him, though.

Though the bridge is old, it withstood the earthquake.

Though it's old, it withstood the earthquake.
It's old, it withstood the earthquake though.
Although it's old, it withstood the earthquake.
Přestože je most starý, odolal zemětřesení.
Though the bridge is old, it withstood the earthquake.

Pay more attention! You just indicated left, you were going right though.

You indicated left, you were going right although though.
Dávej větší pozor! Právě jsi dala levý blinkr, i když jsi jela doprava.
Pay more attention! You just indicated left, you were going right though.

Though I didn't know anyone on the city tour, I enjoyed it.

Hovorovější: Though I didn't know...
Formálnější: Although I didn't know...
I když jsem na té prohlídce města nikoho neznal, užil jsem si ji.
Though I didn't know anyone on the city tour, I enjoyed it.

Pokud chceme kontrast více zdůraznit, použijeme EVEN THOUGH:

Even though we fight all the time, I love my wife.
I přestože se pořád hádáme, svou ženu miluju.
Matt didn't wear a hat, even though it was cold.
Matt si nevzal čepici, přestože byla zima.

Brandon is still upset, even though Sophie has already apologized to him many times.

Zdůraznění kontrastu:
He's upset, even though she has apologized.
Brandon je stále naštvaný, i když se mu Sophie už mnohokrát omluvila.
Brandon is still upset, even though Sophie has already apologized to him many times.
In spite of the rain, despite the rain...

IN SPITE OF a DESPITE používáme před podstatným jménem:

In spite of the sunny weather, I didn't feel like going to the beach.
Navzdory slunečnému počasí se mi na pláž nechtělo.
Despite the weather forecast, the weather was sunny.
Navzdory předpovědi počasí bylo slunečno.

In spite of the strong wind, we were surfing for several hours.

In spite of the strong wind, we surfed.
Despite the unfavourable conditions, we surfed.
Navzdory silnému větru jsme několik hodin surfovali.
In spite of the strong wind, we were surfing for several hours.

IN SPITE OF a DESPITE používáme také před slovesem s -ING:

In spite of being bored, I don't feel like going to the beach.
Přestože se nudím, na pláž se mi nechce.
Despite not having sunny weather, we went for a swim.
I když jsme neměli slunečné počasí, šli jsme se vykoupat.

Pokud je IN SPITE OF/DESPITE před slovesem s -ING, podměty obou částí věty se musí shodovat:

In spite of being bored, I don't feel like going out. (= I'm bored. I don't feel like going out.)
Despite not having sunny weather, we went for a swim. (= We didn't have sunny weather. We went for a swim.)

Despite not being very good at it, I enjoy playing chess very much.

Podměty se shodují:
Despite not being good at it, I enjoy it.
(= I'm not good at it. I enjoy it.)
I když v tom nejsem moc dobrá, velmi ráda hraju šachy.
Despite not being very good at it, I enjoy playing chess very much.

Pokud chceme IN SPITE OF/DESPITE použít před podmětem se slovesem, musíme přidat THE FACT THAT:

In spite of the fact that I'm bored, I don't feel like going out.
Despite the fact that we didn't have sunny weather, we went for a swim.


In spite of being bored, I don't feel like going out.
In spite of the fact that I'm bored, I don't feel like going out.
Despite not having sunny weather, we went for a swim.
Despite the fact that we didn't have sunny weather, we went for a swim.

In spite of the fact that I had drunk a lot of coffee, I didn't have any energy.

In spite of the fact that I had drunk coffee...
In spite of a lot of coffee...
In spite of drinking coffee...
Přestože jsem vypil hodně kávy, neměl jsem žádnou energii.
In spite of the fact that I had drunk a lot of coffee, I didn't have any energy.

Despite the fact that Hailey doesn't know him well, she lent him money.

Despite the fact that she doesn't know him...
Although/Though she doesn't know him...
Despite not knowing him...
I když ho Hailey dobře nezná, půjčila mu peníze.
Despite the fact that Hailey doesn't know him well, she lent him money.
Rainy as it was, rainy though it was...

Kontrast lze vyjádřit pomocí vazby – přídavné jméno + AS/THOUGH + podmět + sloveso typu BE, LOOK, SEEM...:

Tired as I was, I couldn't fall asleep.
I když jsem byl unavený, nemohl jsem usnout.
Great as the dessert looked, we didn't order it.
I když dezert vypadal skvěle, neobjednali jsme si ho.

Stupid though pigs may appear, they are quite intelligent animals.

Stupid though they may appear...
Stupid as they may appear...
Ačkoli se prasata mohou zdát hloupá, jsou to poměrně inteligentní zvířata.
Stupid though pigs may appear, they are quite intelligent animals.

Unlikely as victory seems at this point, we should fight until the last moment.

Unlikely as victory seems...
Although victory seems unlikely...
Jakkoli se vítězství v tomto bodě zdá nepravděpodobné, měli bychom bojovat do poslední chvíle.
Unlikely as victory seems at this point, we should fight until the last moment.
However rainy it is...

Pomocí HOWEVER + přídavného jména nebo příslovce říkáme, že na něčem nezáleží:

However (= No matter how) carefully you drive, you still have to buckle up.
Nezáleží na tom, jak opatrně řídíš (= I přesto, že řídíš opatrně), stejně se musíš připoutat.
However expensive the taxi is, we have no other option than to take it.
Ať je taxi jakkoli drahé, nemáme jinou možnost, než ho vzít.

However fast I run, there's always somebody faster in the race.

However fast I run...
No matter how fast I run...
Nezáleží na tom, jak rychle běhám, vždy závodí někdo rychlejší.
However fast I run, there's always somebody faster in the race.

However healthy you feel, you must have regular health checks.

However you feel healthy healthy you feel...
Jakkoli se cítíš zdravý, musíš chodit na pravidelné zdravotní kontroly.
However healthy you feel, you must have regular health checks.

Pozor na záměnu vět přípustkových a vět příčinných, ve kterých používáme BECAUSE, SINCE a AS:

Although I didn't study hard, I passed the exam.
Přestože jsem se pořádně neučil, zkoušku jsem udělal.
Since I studied hard, I passed the exam.
Protože jsem se pořádně učil, zkoušku jsem udělal.

I'll help you with the laundry because I can see you really need it.

I'll help you because you need it.
I won't help you although you need it.
Pomůžu ti s praním, protože vidím, že to opravdu potřebuješ.
I'll help you with the laundry because I can see you really need it.

Přípustkové věty – nejdůležitější body:

Although/Though/Even though it was raining, we went out.
It was raining, we went out though.
In spite of/Despite the rain, we went out.
In spite of/Despite being bored, we didn't go out.
In spite of the fact that/Despite the fact that it was raining, we went out.
Rainy as/though it was, we went out.
However (= No matter how) rainy it is, you should go out.

Doporučujeme si procvičit přípustkové věty (concessive clauses) v našich cvičeních.