Na Landigo si dnes ukážeme, jak vyjádřit – muset, nesmět a nemuset pomocí sloves MUST, MUSTN'T, NEEDN'T a jejich opisů.
Must, mustn't, needn't – procvičování:
Další související lekce:
We needn't call a taxi. However, if we walk, we mustn't be late.
Musíme: |
Nesmíme: |
Nemusíme: |
Přehled sloves modálních sloves (modal verbs) MUST, MUSTN'T, NEEDN'T a jejich opisů (modal substitutes):
I must do it.
Musím to udělat. |
I mustn't do it.
Nesmím to udělat. |
I needn't do it.
Nemusím to udělat. |
I don't need to do it.
Nemusím to udělat. |
I don't have to do it.
I needn't have done it.
Nemusel jsem to udělat. (= Udělal jsem to zbytečně.) |
I didn't need to do it.
Nemusel jsem to udělat. (= Neměl jsem povinnost to udělat.) |
I didn't have to do it.
MUST vyjadřuje povinnost, příkaz, pravidlo a také silnou radu nebo doporučení:
We must be on time. (= It's necessary that we're on time.)
Ben must help me. (= obligation)
The muffins here are delicious. You must try one. (= a strong recommendation)
S podobným významem používáme HAVE TO.
On arrival, you must proceed to immigration and show a valid passport.
Povinnost: |
You must show a passport.
It's necessary that you show a passport.
MUSTN'T vyjadřuje zákaz nebo zápornou povinnost:
You mustn't smoke here. (= You're not allowed to smoke here.)
Alex mustn't come late again. (= It's necessary that he doesn't do that.)
He mustn't eat peanuts. He's allergic to them.
Is photography allowed in the museum? – Yes, but you mustn't use flash or record.
Zákaz: |
You mustn't use flash.
You aren't allowed to use flash.
Pomocí NEEDN'T vyjadřujeme, že něco není nutné a neexistuje povinnost:
You needn't pick me up tomorrow. (= It's not necessary that you pick me up.)
I needn't help him, he can manage on his own. (= no obligation)
I needn't cook. I'll warm up the leftovers from yesterday.
Není povinnost/nutnost: |
I needn't cook.
It's not necessary that I cook.
Porovnejte MUST, MUSTN'T a NEEDN'T:
You must lock the door.
It's necessary that you lock it.
You mustn't lock the door.
It's necessary that you do not lock it.
You needn't lock the door.
It's not necessary that you lock it.
Joe can borrow my skateboard, but he must be careful. He mustn't break it!
Muset: |
Nesmět: |
Nemuset: |
Namísto NEEDN'T můžeme použít DON'T NEED TO. Významově je také velmi podobné DON'T HAVE TO:
I needn't pick him up.
Nemusím ho vyzvednout./Není nutné, abych ho vyzvednul. |
I don't need to pick him up.
I don't have to pick him up.
We have plenty of time. We don't need to hurry.
Nemuset: |
We don't need to hurry.
We don't have to hurry.
We needn't hurry.
NEEDN'T + minulý infinitiv (have done, have called...) použijeme, když někdo něco udělal a až později se dozvěděl, že to nebylo nutné:
Ella needn't have called me.
Ella mi nemusela zavolat. (Zavolala, i když to nebylo nutné, to ale Ella nevěděla. = Zavolala zbytečně.) |
They needn't have come to work on Saturday.
V sobotu do práce nemuseli přijít. (Přišli do práce, i když to nebylo nutné, to ale nevěděli. = Přišli zbytečně.) |
NEEDN'T + minulý infinitiv také použijeme, když se něco stalo zbytečně:
Chris needn't have died.
Chris nemusel zemřít. (= Zemřel zbytečně.) |
I needn't have packed my flip-flops. I didn't wear them at all.
Udělat zbytečně: |
I needn't have packed them.
I packed them. It was pointless.
We needn't have gotten here so early. There are no decent waves yet.
Udělat zbytečně: |
We needn't have gotten here early.
We got here early. It was unnecessary.
If John had been strapped in, his injuries needn't have been fatal.
Stalo se zbytečně: |
His injuries needn't have been fatal.
DIDN'T NEED TO nebo DIDN'T HAVE TO použijeme, když někdo něco nemusel udělat a v tu chvíli o tom věděl:
Ella didn't need to call me. (= Nemusela mi zavolat a věděla o tom.)
They didn't have to come to work. (= Nemuseli jít do práce a věděli o tom.)
Vazby DIDN'T NEED TO/DIDN'T HAVE TO nevyjadřují, jestli se něco nakonec udělalo nebo ne – mohlo se to udělat, nebo ne:
Ella didn't need to call me. She called me anyways.
Ella didn't need to call me, so I didn't hear from her today.
They didn't have to come, but they came for a while.
They didn't have to come. They went to the park instead.
Tim put everything across very well. I didn't need to ask any questions.
Nemuset udělat a v danou chvíli o tom vědět: |
I didn't need to ask any questions.
It wasn't necessary to ask any question, so I didn't.
We didn't have to buy furniture. The new apartment came fully furnished.
Nemít povinnost: |
We didn't have to buy it.
We didn't need to buy it.
Udělat zbytečně | Nemít povinnost udělat |
She needn't have called me. She didn't know.
She didn't need to call me, so I didn't hear from her.
They didn't need to come. They didn't know.
They didn't need to come, but they came anyways.
I wish I'd known it was going to be cloudy. We needn't have put on sunscreen.
Udělat zbytečně: |
We needn't have put it on.
Nemít povinnost udělat: |
We didn't need to put it on.
We didn't have to put it on.
Must, mustn't, needn't – nejdůležitější body:
I must play.
Musím hrát. |
I mustn't play.
Nesmím hrát. |
I needn't play.
Nemusím hrát. |
I don't need to play.
I don't have to play.
I needn't have played.
Nemusel jsem hrát. (= hrál jsem zbytečně) |
I didn't need to play.
Nemusel jsem hrát. (= neměl jsem povinnost hrát) |
I didn't have to play.
Doporučujeme si procvičit MUST, MUSTN'T, NEEDN'T v našich cvičeních.
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