Na Landigo se dnes budeme věnovat slovesům, která vyjadřují mít/nemít rád (like, enjoy, hate...), a jejich použití s ING nebo TO infinitivem (like doing, like to do).
Slovesa s ING nebo TO – procvičování:
Na Landigo máme další lekce na stejné téma:
What do you feel like doing today? – I'd love to play volleyball.
What do you feel like to do doing?
WOULD LOVE + TO infinitiv: |
I'd love playing to play it.
Rozlišujeme tři typy sloves:
I enjoy doing it.
I would like to do it.
I like doing it.
I like to do it.
Slovesa s -ING:
enjoy, fancy |
dislike, mind, would mind, can't stand |
feel like |
Neříkáme: enjoy to do, enjoy do
Do you fancy doing something fun this weekend?
Do you fancy to do doing something?
Slovesa s TO infinitivem:
+ TO DO |
would like, would love |
would hate |
would prefer |
Neříkáme: would like doing, would like do
We don't feel like doing anything active today. We'd prefer to stay here and relax.
We'd prefer to stay here.
We'd like to relax here.
We'd love to lie here.
We'd hate to be too active.
I would like/love/hate/prefer you to go there. |
I wouldn't mind going there. |
Would you mind taking the dogs for a walk? – No, not at all. I'd love to walk them.
Would you mind to take taking them out?
I'd love walking to walk them.
Po WOULD LIKE/LOVE/HATE/PREFER můžeme kromě infinitivu (to do) použít také minulý infinitiv (to have done). Porovnejte:
I would love to see you tomorrow. (= It would be great if I could see you.)
I would love to have seen you yesterday. (= I regret I didn't/couldn't see you.)
Would you prefer to go to Dublin next week?
Would you prefer to have gone to Dublin last week?
It's a shame we didn't go to Canada. I'd like to have visited Alison then.
I'd like to have visited her.
I'd love to have seen her.
I'd prefer to have spent time with her.
Our boxer looks so pleased! He'd hate to have lost the fight.
Přítomnost/budoucnost: |
He'd hate to lose.
Minulost: |
He'd hate to have lost.
Slovesa s -ING/TO infinitivem:
like, love |
hate, can't bear |
prefer |
Linda loves cooking, especially Mediterranean cuisine.
She loves cooking.
She loves to cook.
I'm glad you came. I couldn't bear not seeing you the whole summer.
I couldn't bear not seeing you.
I couldn't bear not to see you.
Po LIKE můžeme použít -ING i TO infinitiv, rozdíl bývá minimální. Někdy se rozlišují dva významy:
I know this sugary candy isn't healthy for me, but I like eating it. (= I enjoy eating it.)
I like to eat plenty of fruit and veg. (= I think it's a good thing to do.)
Podobně používáme LOVE, HATE a PREFER.
Více o LIKE DOING a LIKE TO DO v lekci: Slovesa s ING nebo TO (4. část)
Hannah is a workout freak. She likes to work out almost every single day.
Mít ve zvyku: |
She likes to work out.
Užívat si: |
She likes working out.
When you were a child, did you like playing video games?
Did you like playing them?
Did you enjoy playing them?
Do you like watching horror movies? (= Do you generally enjoy it?)
Would you like to watch a horror movie tonight? (= Do you want to do that tonight?)
Podobně používáme např. také HATE a WOULD HATE.
If you also like adventure travelling, would you like to go to Asia with us?
Obecně: |
You like travelling.
Konkrétně: |
Would you like to go to Asia?
Oliver hates being late. He would hate to be late for the date.
Obecně: |
He hates being late.
Konkrétně: |
He would hate to be late for the date.
Slovesa s ING nebo TO – nejdůležitější body:
enjoy, fancy |
dislike, mind, would mind, can't stand |
feel like |
would like, would love |
would hate |
would prefer |
like, love |
hate, can't bear |
prefer |
Doporučujeme si procvičit slovesa s ING nebo TO (verbs with ING or TO) v našich cvičeních.
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